INFANT BAPTISM (children from 0-5 years old):
Your child’s baptism is a time for celebration and joy for both your family and the Catholic Community here at St. Lucy’s. We are here to assist you in this celebration.
The Church Community affirms and supports your decision to have your child baptized. This time of preparation is a wonderful time to explore and evaluate your own faith and practice. Just as your child will bear your physical features and pick up your mannerisms, he or she will also grow in the faith you model as a parent.
That is why, when you approach the Church about having your child baptized, we will want to be assured that your faith is precious to you. The very fact that you have asked to have your baby baptized is a sign that you recognize the importance of God in your life.
The Church welcomes your child with great joy and looks forward to growing in faith and love with your family.
Selection of Godparents
Each child needs to have at least one godparent over the age of 16 who is someone other than the child’s parent. The godparent must be someone who is fully initiated into the Catholic Church (i.e., has received the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist) and is actively practicing their faith.
ENGLISH Baptism Dates at St Lucy Parish
English Baptisms are at 10am on Saturday on the following dates:
March 8, 2025
April 5, 2025
May 2025- there will be no baptisms in May 2025
June 14, 2025
Dates listed above are available unless indicated otherwise
ENGLISH Baptism dates beyond June 2025 are not currently available and will be published in late February 2025.
Please submit a birth certificate or hospital Verification Letter to start the baptism process.
Please submit it via email to or text to the St. Lucy Parish text line at 408-466-2800. Birth certificate is needed to record the baptism in our baptismal register and for the preparation of a baptismal certificate.
The St. Lucy Parish Office will contact you upon submission of a birth certificate or hospital verification letter. If you have any questions please send us an email at, leave us a voicemail at the parish office general mailbox at 408-378-2464, or send a text to the St. Lucy Parish Text line at 408-466-2800. Please allow 72 hours for a reply from the Parish Office due to a high volume of interest.
Requested Baptism Donation of $140 may be made online through PayBee at or mailed to the St. Lucy Parish Office, 2350 Winchester Blvd, Campbell, CA 95008. Please make check payable to “St Lucy Parish” and put your child’s name in the memo line.
Baptism classes are being held in-person for parents and godparents and there is no option to take the class via Zoom.
Baptismal Process at St Lucy Parish
Thank you for your interest in Baptism at St. Lucy Parish. The baptismal preparation process is as follows:
- Submit Birth Certificate to start the baptismal registration process
- Complete Baptism Registration Form – link for google form will be provided upon receipt of Birth Certificate
- Register for a Baptism Date on – link will be provided once the Baptism Registration Form is completed
- Register for a Baptism Class on – link will be provided once the Baptism Date has been selected on Baptism class are being held in-person.
- Please allow 72 hours for a reply from the Parish Office due to a high volume of interest.
Bautizos en Español son a las 10 a.m. en sábado en las siguientes fechas:
Marzo 15, 2025
Abril 12, 2025
May 2025 – No habrá bautizos en Mayo 2025
Junio 21, 2025
Las fechas de bautizo indicadas anteriormente están disponibles a menos que se indique lo contrario.
Fechas de bautizo en Español despues de Junio 2025 no están disponibles en este momento y se publicarán a fines de Febrero 2025.
Por favor de enviar una foto de la acta de nacimiento para empezar el proceso bautismal.
Por favor envíe una foto del certificado de nacimiento a la línea de texto de la Oficina Parroquial de Santa Lucia al 408-466-2800 o por correo electrónico a Se necesita un certificado de nacimiento para anotar el bautizo en el registro de bautizos de la Parroquia de Santa Lucia y para la preparación del certificado de bautizo.
La Oficina Parroquial se pondra en contacto con usted al recibir esta información. Si tiene alguna pregunta, envíenos un correo electrónico a, déjenos un mensaje de voz en el buzón general de la oficina parroquial al 408-378-2464, o envíe un texto a la línea de texto de la Parroquia de Santa Lucia al 408-466-2800. Por favor espere 72 horas para recibir una respuesta de la Oficina Parroquial debido al gran volumen de interés.
La donación de bautizo solicitada de $ 140 puede hacerse por su teléfono o tableta a través de PayBee en o enviarse por correo a la Oficina de la Parroquia de Santa Lucia, 2350 Winchester Blvd, Campbell, CA 95008. Haga el cheque a nombre de “St Lucy Parish” y ponga el nombre de su hijo/a en la línea de memo.
Clases de Bautizo son en persona y no hay opcion para tomar la clase por Zoom.
Proceso de Bautizo en la Parroquia de Santa Lucia
Gracias por su interés en el bautizo en la parroquia de St. Lucy. El proceso de preparación bautismal es el siguiente:
- Por favor de enviar una foto de la Acta de Nacimiento para iniciar el proceso de registro de bautizo.
- Complete un Registro de Bautizo – se proporcionará un enlace para el Registro de Bautizo de google al recibir el Certificado de Nacimiento
- Regístrese para una Fecha de Bautizo en se proporcionará un enlace una vez que se complete el Registro de Bautizo.
- Regístrese para una Clase de Bautizo en se proporcionará un enlace una vez que se haya seleccionado la Fecha de Bautizo en La Clase de Bautizo se está llevando a cabo en persona.
- Por favor sspere 72 horas para recibir una respuesta de la Oficina Parroquial debido al gran volumen de interés.
If you were previously baptized at St. Lucy Parish and are in need of a duplicate baptism certificate please click here for the Certificate Request Form
Si fue bautizado anteriormente en St. Lucy Parish y necesita un certificado de bautismo, haga clic aquí para obtener el Formulario de Solicitud para un Certificado
RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION OF CHILDREN (RCIC) is a two-year process for children above the age of 6 (Elementary, Jr. High, & High School) who are not yet baptized or who have been baptized in another Christian tradition. It requires full participation of the parents. Children who complete this process will receive the three sacraments of initiation (Baptism, Confirmation and Holy Eucharist) at the Easter Vigil.
For more information, please contact:
St Lucy Parish Office, (408) 378-2464 or
The St. Lucy Community invites you to participate in a spiritual journey in faith to discover what it means to follow Jesus as a Catholic Christian and to experience the joy and freedom that can result from journeying with Christ. Every year adults are welcomed into the Catholic Community through the Rite of Christian Initiation. It is a learning and loving process in which conversion of the heart brings you to Jesus Christ who is our Lord and Savior.
Are you interested in learning more about the Catholic Church?
- Are you unbaptized but recognize a need for spirituality in your life?
- Are you baptized Catholic but never received any formal religious education or have never received the sacraments of Confirmation or Reconciliation or Eucharist?
- Are you baptized into another denomination and want to become Catholic?
For more information, please contact:
St Lucy Parish Office, (408) 378-2464 or